Monomanie : Sorte de trouble mental dans lequel une seule idée semble absorber toutes les facultés de l’intelligence.


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Utilisateurs en ligne

1 270 lecture(s)


PRL on Fissidens splachnobryoides

1 927 lecture(s)


J’ai essayé beaucoup de choses : pas de goutte à goutte (si si), goutte à goutte long, en faisant des nœuds avec le tuyau à air, en utilisant une pince à linge, en utilisant un robinet en plastique, en utilisant un kit de perfusion vendu en pharmacie, etc.
Et ce qui suit est ce que je [...]

1 282 lecture(s)

Mulberry leaves

Harvested by myself (tough job…):
Dried on the balcony then slightly washed to remove all the dust:
Dried again inside then stored:
Two minutes in a bowl of water in the microwave oven, or directly into the tank. It depends on how confident you feel about it.
All the shrimps come to explore it first, mostly by curiosity. After [...]

1 260 lecture(s)

10L tank, a new start

It was used as the refugium of my former reef tank. Not sure that the same lighting will work for a fresh water tank. We’ll see in a few weeks if things have to be adjusted.

4 527 lecture(s)

La plus belle pour aller danser

She may be the most beautiful of all my shrimps, according to my personal criteria off course. I think she deserves this photo coverage.
After the pole dance, back on the ground: