Monomanie : Sorte de trouble mental dans lequel une seule idée semble absorber toutes les facultés de l’intelligence.


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1 321 lecture(s)

Fissidens adianthoides, 12 months later

April 2013:
April 2014:

1 457 lecture(s)

Around Brazil moss

2 050 lecture(s)

The ring

Shrimps love to hang on the roots of floating aquatic plants. So there are many of these plants in my tanks. But it is not very convenient since they float everywhere on the surface of the water. So I had to find a way to manage them.
I used a bit of filter sponge to fill [...]

2 677 lecture(s)

25 months later

And it is still running perfectly, including mosses!
From time to time, I have to move some shrimplets to another tank to give them more space.
Although I try to reproduce the recipe of this set-up on every new tank, I can not reach the same success…It seems like every tank has its own history, its own [...]

1 623 lecture(s)

Fissidens adianthoides, or bryoides ?

I thought I lost it forever. But when I cleaned my 60L tank filter yesterday (after many many months…), here is what I discovered in a sponge:
Please help me correctly identify it. I bought it as Fissidens adianthoides. Many thanks folks