Monomanie : Sorte de trouble mental dans lequel une seule idée semble absorber toutes les facultés de l’intelligence.


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Five more

added to the collection, thanks to Max:

Sang maestro
River blue
Brownie purple
Black gaia
Black phantom

Nice names by the way.

Hopefully I will be able to identify them easily with just a glance, which is far from being the case for now.

On a piece of lava rock (that I kept for 25 years or so! ) :

Buce141130_01_r Buce141130_02_r

Now the 10L tank is pretty full, but there is still some free space:
It reminds me the time when I used to look for a precious spot for a newly acquired orchid.

Buce141130_03_r Buce141130_04_r

For your information, finally, the ligthing is just composed of a single CW LED. The former CW+NW+RB was still much too blue, perfect for filamentous algae…





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