Monomanie : Sorte de trouble mental dans lequel une seule idée semble absorber toutes les facultés de l’intelligence.


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Bucephalandra tank

My turn to fall for Bucephalandra…Beautiful miniature aquatic plants, perfectly fit to nano tanks. I bought them from the online shop Aquatic mosses & ferns that I highly recommend (good price, good advice, shipping is handled with much care as you can see, etc).


The lighting of this recycled tank was too blue:


So off course much filamentous algae.

I then switched a Royal Blue to a Cool White LED, so now the ligthting is composed of 1 RB + 1 NW + 1 CW.


It still seems blue but not as much as it was before. Hopefully this time it will be OK.


Half of the plants are still in another tank, waiting for PRL deluxe cleaners to remove algae from them.






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