Monomanie : Sorte de trouble mental dans lequel une seule idée semble absorber toutes les facultés de l’intelligence.


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Monomaniac line


Many people used to ask me: « OK, they look nice, but what are their lines? ». After more than 2 years of PRL breeding (exclusively PRL) and mixing them taking the best out of each, is the notion of « original line » that important anymore?

My first PRL shrimps date from 10th September 2012, more than 2 years ago like I said. They were « Benibachi Hinomaru grade » PRL. In the invoice below, 5 were mine:


After that, I got some pretty high (expensive…) grade Benibachi and Ebi Ten. The ones surrounded by the red square for example:
Even now, when I look back at the price, I was really mad at that time to spend that much money for a few shrimps that could die anytime after…


The High Grade Benibachi was this one:


The certificate of authenticity that came with her:


I also got some Nishiki from a friend breeder.

But, surprisingly, I prefer the « no name » PRL shrimps that I had the chance to get from another friend breeder, Ugo. A friend of his, who works for an airline company, brought them directly from Japan, from a personal private breeding.

The beauty of the offsprings from this latter mentioned « no name » line convinced me to orientate my selection in taking the best out of each line and mix them altogether, no matter what purists may think. The only thing I wanted to preserve while doing the mixing is to keep them all japanese.
I had also shrimps from the Taiwanese breeder C-Sky. But despite their beauty, they were kept apart and this line was abandoned over time.

To summarize all this, I started in September 2012 PRL breeding, originally with Benibachi, Ebi Ten, Nishiki and a Japanese « no name » lines.

After more than two years, and many generations of shrimps, I humbly declare the start of the PRL « Monomaniac line » haha :)

From now on, I will work on a more rigorous selection basis. What I am trying to achieve is the legs red color, it will be the main feature of this « line »:

Monomaniac_141102_01 Monomaniac_141102_02 Monomaniac_141102_03

Although they are not perfect, I really think that I can get something nice ouf of them. The challenge is worth the effort anyway.





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