Monomanie : Sorte de trouble mental dans lequel une seule idée semble absorber toutes les facultés de l’intelligence.


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Utilisateurs en ligne

2 355 lecture(s)

Five more

added to the collection, thanks to Max:
Sang maestro
River blue
Brownie purple
Black gaia
Black phantom
Nice names by the way.
Hopefully I will be able to identify them easily with just a glance, which is far from being the case for now.
On a piece of lava rock (that I kept for 25 years or so! ) :
Now the 10L tank [...]

1 763 lecture(s)

Monomaniac white claws

1 400 lecture(s)

Mounting bulbos

My hobby for orchids, which was the reason of this website creation, was neglected during the last few years.
Anyway, it was time to redo this bulbos mounting.
Original mounting:
Set up more than 6 years ago…

Sphagnum on a nice piece of cork bark:
Looks like a Christmas log

Coir fibers (coconut shell):

Raphia to attach:
Its looks more natural, but biodegradable [...]

1 429 lecture(s)

Kedagang mini

Deluxe cleaning:

1 300 lecture(s)

Shine Green