Monomanie : Sorte de trouble mental dans lequel une seule idée semble absorber toutes les facultés de l’intelligence.


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New kinds of food

Thanks to Fabrice, I discovered these very interesting new (for me) kinds of food that we brought back from the last Hannover Shrimp show. They are supposed to be « nature pure » and « without any additives ». It sounds good enough to give them a try.


So far, the results seem pretty convincing:





Indeed, I already tried 4 different kinds with great success.

I also appreciate the fact that we know the ingredients. Hopefully, they can become an alternative to classic famous brands from Asia.

Un commentaire pour New kinds of food

  • Marc

    Bonjour je ne suis pas vraiment connaisseur. Mais je trouve les crevettes très jolies elles ont de belles couleurs





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